
  • Measuring Wellbeing to Help Communities Thrive

    The city of Santa Monica wanted to incorporate wellbeing into city planning, policies, and programs. RAND researchers, as part of a team of experts, helped create a framework for measuring wellbeing and applying the findings to city planning.

  • Improving Psychological Wellbeing and Work Outcomes in the UK

    Mental illness is increasing among the working-age population in the United Kingdom and is associated with high economic and social costs; it is one of the leading reasons that people claim sickness benefits.

  • Getting to Know Military Caregivers and Their Needs

    There are millions of military caregivers—wives, husbands, siblings, parents, and friends—caring for U.S. service members and veterans who are wounded, ill, or injured. These caregivers help their loved ones live better-quality lives, but their own needs may go unmet.

  • Helping Children Cope with Trauma: A School-Based Intervention

    Exposure to violent events or other trauma can inflict lasting emotional damage on children. Yet a high percentage of children affected by trauma never receive treatment.

  • Improving Access to Early Childhood Education

    Achievement gaps between disadvantaged and advantaged students in language arts and mathematics can form early, with some children trailing behind in school readiness measures when they enter kindergarten. Despite fiscal constraints, an increase in the funding for effective preschool programs can help to close these gaps and reduce costs later on.

  • Addressing the Invisible Wounds of War

    Before 2007, little was known about how the availability of behavioral health services compared with the need among returning troops—or about the consequences to the nation if these needs were not met.

  • Improving Workers' Compensation Policies for Workers, Businesses, Government

    Many state workers' compensation systems face significant challenges as medical and administrative costs have risen. California sought RAND advice in improving its system to save both public and private funds, while also improving the quality of care for injured workers.

  • Developing Strategies for Summer Learning

    RAND education experts conducted extensive literature reviews, examined summer program cost data, interviewed numerous providers of summer programs, and visited a diverse range of U.S. cities to interview summer learning leaders and observe summer learning directly.

  • Reducing Poverty Among Mexico's Elderly

    Mexico is undergoing unprecedented demographic changes and advancements that have raised life expectancy, but a larger percentage of Mexico's elderly is poor and rural, and many lack the social safety nets available to urban seniors. An experiment to reform to Mexico's social security system is helping to alleviate political and social instability.

  • Helping Coastal Communities Plan for Climate Change

    The vulnerability of coastal residents to loss of life and property damage from storm-surge flooding has already proven extensive in recent years. RAND has helped policymakers determine what mix of hurricane risk reduction and coastal restoration projects can reduce hurricane damage risk and rebuild coastal land, recognizing budget constraints.