RAND Kicks Off 75th Anniversary Year

January marked the start of RAND's 75th anniversary year—May 14, 2023 is RAND's 75th anniversary. To kick off a yearlong series of celebrations and events, RAND hosted a presentation by archivist Cara McCormick, manager of the Hauser RAND Archives and RAND Classified Library.

Jennifer Gould, vice president and chief of staff, welcomed guests and describe the event as an opportunity to learn, connect, and share pride in the organization. “The people of RAND are what powers our mission and makes our community special,” Gould said.

McCormick called RAND's diamond anniversary a “major milestone,” and she explored RAND's origins in her presentation, “RAND Legacy A–Z.” She gave attendees a behind-the-scenes look at the pioneering people of RAND—from Andrew Marshall to Nancy Nimitz—and talked about the contributions that have shaped RAND's legacy.

If you missed the presentation and would like to see a recording, please contact Keisha Perkins, associate director, Development and Alumni Relations, at kperkins@rand.org for a link to the video.