

Discrimination still occurs in the very places where training to prevent racial profiling is now commonplace, such as the workplace, classrooms, airport security lines, and police departments. RAND researchers have examined a broad spectrum of discrimination-related issues such as gender discrimination in the military, the relationship between perceived discrimination and patient experiences with health care, the stigma of mental illness, age management policies, corrupt hiring processes, gender equality, and educational equity.

  • Project

    Investigating the U.S. Racial Wealth Gap

    The gap in wealth between Black and white Americans is a product of historical realities that continue to shape economic outcomes. Policy interventions to address current wealth disparities must understand the long-standing inequities that contributed to them.

    Dec 7, 2022

  • Multimedia

    What Does Environmental Justice Look Like?

    Videos describe the impact of grassroots environmental justice campaigns in two redlined neighborhoods. This work features RAND research that shows how a shared community vision can help residents, organizers, and policymakers understand the root causes of injustices and identify actionable responses.

    Apr 19, 2023

Explore Discriminatory Practices