About the RAA

RAA sign displayed at the RAA Summer Reunion

The RAND Alumni Association (RAA) was established in 1992 to provide a forum for social and professional engagement opportunities to all current and former RAND staff members, Trustees, summer associates, post-docs, Pardee RAND Graduate School students, and RAND research fellows, including military officers.

Over the past 30 years, we have grown from 100 charter members to more than 3,500, hailing from across the United States and around the world.

RAA Members enjoy:

  • Access to a distinctive global network of engaging, policy-minded individuals and generations of RAND knowledge
  • Invitations to participate in exclusive, alumni-only events in Santa Monica, Washington, D.C., Pittsburgh, Boston, and elsewhere
  • Opportunities to attend RAND-wide receptions and events
  • The RAA Bulletin, which is designed to inform and connect our members
  • Opportunities to learn more about RAND's ongoing research and ways you can support it
  • A chance to share old memories — and make new ones! — via Facebook and the "Members Only" section of this web page, which includes photo & video galleries, an archive of alumni Bulletins, and an In Memoriam page
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