
The RAND Center for Russia and Eurasia (CRE) brings together the work of RAND's many multidisciplinary specialists relevant to this dynamic part of the world. Our research addresses the foreign and security policies of these countries, as well as U.S., European, and other states' policies towards these countries. We also study the broad range of policy issues affecting Russia and Eurasia, including health, education, local and national politics, economics, energy, science and technology, and demographics. For all of our work, our goal is simple: to make policy both in and towards the region more effective.

RAND's work on Russia and Eurasia is carried out throughout our organization, with research projects in almost all of our research units and in our offices around the world. Our work is funded by government contracts, foundation grants, and gifts from individuals and corporations. CRE helps ensure that each such effort is informed by RAND's substantial regional expertise and that the results of our work reach the right audiences, government and public, international and domestic, to truly make a difference.