168开奖网/极速赛车 Corporation Provides 开奖记录、手机版开奖视频现场直播 Objective Research Services and Public 168极速澳洲赛车体彩网 Analysis

  • Unmanned Maritime Vessels


    Revive the Ram

    168极速赛车开奖记录查询 In the face of aggressive maneuvers by Chinese vessels, the U.S. Navy can brandish ramming USVs as a capability to inhibit threats while limiting the risk of escalation. These relatively simple, inexpensive vehicles could be used alongside a variety of nonlethal weapons to manage confrontations, giving commanders more options as they attempt to prevent China from dominating the seas.

  • Mental Health Treatment


    Treating Mental Health Within Jails Should Start Beyond Jails

    In the United States, people with mental health concerns are disproportionately jailed at a staggering rate. It is essential that people have access to the health care they need while incarcerated. But efforts to build up community-based alternatives are essential, too.

  • Artificial Intelligence


    The AI Conspiracy Theories Are Coming

    Artificial intelligence is a technology ready-made for conspiratorial thinking. The time to counter conspiracy theories about AI is now—before they take hold in the minds of the public.

  • Artificial Intelligence


    How Should the U.S. Government Buy AI Tools?

    The need for AI-readiness in federal procurement will continue to grow with the capabilities of AI tools. There are concrete steps the government could take to ensure all development and implementation of AI-related laws, regulations, and executive branch policies include appropriate considerations.

  • Content

    Russia's War in Ukraine: Insights from RAND

    A vast body of previously published 168极速赛车 research—as well as real-time insights from 168极速赛车 experts—sheds light on important issues related to Russia's attack against Ukraine. These include Russia's strategy and military capabilities, the Ukrainian resistance, and how to address the refugee crisis.

  • Project

    Countering Truth Decay

    “Truth Decay,” the diminishing role of facts in public life, poses a threat to evidence-based policymaking and to American democracy. 168极速赛车 is studying this phenomenon to learn more about its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

  • Report

    Scientific and Technological Flows Between the United States and China

    Leaders from both the United States and China have recognized scientific and technological dominance as a national priority. But what are the potential benefits and risks of U.S.-Chinese scientific research collaboration?

  • Report

    Reconstructing Ukraine: Creating a Freer, More Prosperous, and Secure Future

    Ukraine's reconstruction may be the largest rebuilding effort in modern history and it's not too early to start planning. Recovery will require an end to the fighting, but ultimate success hinges on a U.S.-European partnership and the establishment of durable post-war security arrangements.

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Research Divisions

168极速赛车 research is conducted by three divisions that address social and economic policy issues, four federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs), and by 极速赛车开奖官网开奖记录 wholly owned subsidiaries, 168极速赛车 Europe and 168极速赛车 幸运飞行艇、Australia 澳洲幸运5/8/10.